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Keeper 101: Create a Record

In this video, I will walk you through the creation of your first record. To begin, click the yellow Create New button and choose Record. You will notice a dropdown menu allows you to select the type of record you are creating. This allows users to create records of various template types, grouped into categories, each containing a unique collection of field types and functionality within the record. Examples of record types include: logins, payment cards, bank accounts, health insurance and many more. For more information on the Record Types feature, please see the video i’ve linked in the description below. For the purpose of this demo, I will select the default record type, “Login”. Now give your record a title. For many commonly used websites, suggestions will appear as you type. Selecting one of these suggested options will automatically fill the Website Address field for you in the next screen. Once you click Next, the “New Record” detail pane appears on the right side of your screen. Here you can enter the specific details that apply to this record. First enter the username or email address you use to login to this website. Next, enter your password for that site in the password field. Or instead, you can have Keeper generate a secure, random password for you by clicking on the dice. You can always click the eye icon to view what you have entered and confirm it is correct. It is very important to note, using the password generator will not automatically change the website's existing account password. You still must visit the corresponding website's "Change Password" form to update the old password to match the new, stronger password. Now, enter the Website Address for the site if it hasn’t already been entered for you. When creating their first records, many users will enter a site’s homepage address into Keeper as a record’s website address. Unfortunately, the homepage isn’t always where you login. It is best to use a site’s designated login page as the Website Address for a Keeper record in order for Keeper to easily recognize it. For example, I can find the login address by going to a site and performing my normal login process. Once at the login page, copy and paste the page’s URL (which can be found in the upper address bar of your browser) into the “Website Address” field of your Keeper record. While still viewing the new record form, you may notice a button called “Files or Photos”. Clicking this button allows you to take advantage of Keeper’s Secure File Storage capabilities. With Keeper’s Secure File storage, you can easily and securely upload and store files such as passports, medical or credit cards, loan documents, photos and any other private file -- making them easily accessible from within your vault. To utilize this feature, simply drag-and-drop the file from your computer directly into the record to upload it. Or you can click the Files or photos button and select it from your computer files. You can always use this feature at a later time, by adding the file or photo to another record, or creating a standalone record that contains just the file or photo of your choosing. Next, if you would like, you can enter a note in the “Notes” field. Examples of common notes are things such as account numbers, banking or travel information. Lastly, you will notice there are other items you are able to add, specifically, Two-factor Codes and Custom Fields. These are more advanced features which you can explore in more detail in our End-User Guides which I’ve linked below in the description. When you are finished creating your record, click Save in the upper right corner of the record form. You will see your record now appears under “My Vault”. Now you are ready to use the record you just created. Simply click the launch icon next to the website address. This will take you to that website’s address where you can now refer to your Keeper record when logging into your account. To take full advantage of Keeper, we recommend that you install the KeeperFill browser extension which can automatically fill your username and password at your favorite sites. KeeperFill will be covered in more detail in another video in this series. Learn more about Keeper at: View our Keeper End-User Guides here:

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